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Privacy Policy - FR Boutique

Privacy Policy


We aim to protect the privacy of all our users, so please read and approve our privacy policy. In this page we describe how we manage the website published on the internet domain frboutique.it (hereinafter the “Website”) concerning the processing of personal data of any users who consult it.
This information note (“Privacy Policy”) issued pursuant to Regulation UE 2016/679 (“GDPR”) aims to provide users navigating the website www.frboutique.it with the information on how their personal data entered in the Website or provided in any other way is managed. All personal data sent by the user (name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.) is acquired, saved and processed exclusively in conformity with the GDPR. The Privacy Policy is issued only for this Website and not for any other websites the user may consult via any links.
When accessing and using the Website, the user acknowledges that he has carefully read this Privacy Policy and accepts the purposes and methods of processing described herein. The User under the age of 16 acknowledges to give his own consent with the prior authorization of the parental authority. If the user does not accept what stated in this Privacy Policy, he is invited to leave the Website and, in any case, not use any of its contents or services.
Processing of personal data refers to “any operation or set of operations carried out also without the use of electronic instruments, concerning the collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blockage, communication, dissemination, cancellation and destruction of data, even where not recorded in a database”.

The purposes of processing users data are exclusively: (i) sending the newsletter or other promotional messages by e-mail, also relating to the website www.thedoublef.com also through third parties, upon express consent of users; (ii) collecting and using the data for profiling purposes (including cookies profiling, for more information read our Cookie Policy) and marketing purposes, upon express consent of users; (iii) creating a database of users interested in the Website (the “Purpose”).

Surfing the Website and/or entering his data, the user declares that he has read and accepts this Privacy Policy pursuant to GDPR. Moreover, by ticking the consent flag or any other similar method of confirmation, the user gives his express consent to the processing of his data, and for the transfer of such data to third parties for the achievement of the Purpose, in the limits laid down above.
By entering his data on the Website, the User specifically consents to the collection, storing and processing of his personal data and to his data being archived by the Company in databases and/or by third parties or individuals contractually bound to the Company and specifically charged of processing the users personal data.
The user may withdraw his consent to the processing of hid data, at any time, by sending an e-mail to privacy@thedoublef.com.

Some fields requested on the Website (which may be marked with an asterisk or other symbol) may be mandatory to access to the services of the Website.
Entering his personal data on the Website, the user ensures that his personal information is corrected and updated. Moreover, the user acknowledges that he is the only person responsible for the data provided, whether personal data, photos, comments or any other, releasing from liability the Company.

The Data Controller of the personal data supplied is FF NET s.r.l. with registered office in Via Chiassi 103, 46100, Mantua (MN), Italy, and operational office in Via Piranesi 4, Milan, Italy (hereinafter the “Company”), represented by the legal representative pro tempore (the “Data Controller”).

The web services of the Website might be processed on the servers of outsourced companies offering hosting services on behalf of the Company, as well as clouds, that have been appointed “Data Processors”.
Regarding the communication of personal data, the information issued may be disclosed to the following subjects or categories of subjects: (i) public administrations to meet statutory obligations, regulations or Eu laws. In this case, it is excluded the obligation to obtain the prior consent of the person concerned by such communications; (ii) holding companies, associate companies or subsidiaries of the Company; (iii) other companies or individuals contractually bounded to the Company and appointed specifically to process the personal data of users.
The Company uses third parties and individuals to perform certain activities on its behalf (e.g. hosting services, data analysis, data storage, sending newsletter etc.). Third parties who perform these operations have access only to data that are necessary for the performance of their duties. Third parties who process users data on behalf of the Company have been appointed “Data Processors” by the Data Controller.
The user may request the list of Data Processors by writing to privacy@thedoublef.com. Surfing the Website, the user provides his consent to the communication of his personal data to third parties that provide services on behalf of the Company and to this method of data processing.
Navigation data: the hardware and software of the Website acquire some personal data which is transmitted implicitly during the use of Internet communication protocols. This information could, if processed and associated to data held by third parties, lead to the identification of the users. This category of data includes the IP addresses used by the users when connecting to the website, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the state of the reply given by the server (OK, error, etc.) and other parameters concerning the operating system and computer environment of the user.
This data is used only for anonymous statistical information concerning the use of the website and to check the correct operation, and is cancelled immediately after processing. Data may be used to ascertain responsibility in the case of hypothetical data processing crimes to the detriment of the website: apart from this case, the web contact data is currently not kept for more than seven days. Personal data related to the geographical location may be used to provide users with information, proposals and other customized contents based on their location. If users do not want to share information related to their geographical position, they will have to disable location services on their devices.
Data provided voluntarily by the user: the personal data entered into the Website by users and the data sent by users by e-mails to the addresses indicated in the Website (including the sender’s email address and any other personal data contained in the e-mail).
Cookies: both proprietary cookies and third party cookies will be used by the Website for profiling users and for a faster navigation on the website. By using the Website, the User accepts the use of cookies. See the ’full cookies information notice’.

The personal data is processed using automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the Purpose for which it was gathered.
The Company has adopted specific security and technical measures to grant the security of data and to prevent the loss of data, unlawful or improper use and unauthorized access.
The Company therefore reserves the right to appoint third parties (companies or individuals) to process the personal data on its behalf and may disclose the personal data to such third parties. However, it will require that such third parties comply with the principles of this Privacy Policy and of the current legislation on data processing while processing such data. These parties will be specifically appointed Data Processors, pursuant to art. 28 of the GDRP.
The personal data collected and stored in the databases of the Company will be processed by the employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller (as defined herein) or by persons appointed to process such data (“Data Managers).

The User to whom the personal data refers has the right at any time to obtain the confirmation of the existence otherwise of his data and to know the contents; to obtain information regarding (i) the origin (whenever the data has not been collected from the data subjects), (ii) the purposes and methods of the data processing, (iii) the logic applied in case of data processing carried out through electronic instruments, (iv) the identification details of the data controller, the designated data processors, the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated.
The User to whom the personal data refers has also he right to check the exact nature of his personal data and/or request the integration, update, correction, deletion, transformation into an anonymous form, or suspension of any data processed in breach of the law.
The User has also the right to oppose, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons, the processing of his data; b) the processing of his personal data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling

Requests should be sent:
– by e-mail, to: privacy@thedoublef.com
– Or by post to FF Net s.r.l. Via Chiassi 103, 46100, Mantova (MN), Italy.
This privacy policy may be subject to updates. Version of May 2018.